Influence of Stakeholders in Project Monitoring and Evaluation on Sustainability of Water Projects in Kwanza Sub-County Kenya

  • Naker Diana Aupe University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Evans Vidija Sagwa Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya
Keywords: Project monitoring, evaluation, sustainability of water projects


The objective of the study was to find out the influence of stakeholders in project monitoring and evaluation on sustainability of water projects in Kwanza Sub-county.  The study was guided by Community Participation Theory and Sustainability Theory. A descriptive survey research design was used. The target population of the study was 32,181 households in Kwanza Sub-County, Trans-Nzoia County. The researchers used the Sekaran sample size determination formula to obtain a sample size of 380 households. The researchers used simple random sampling to select the households. The study used a questionnaire to collect data. The researchers pre-tested the questionnaire on 38 households in the neighboring Kiminini Constituency. The researchers ensured and enhanced the validity of the data collection instrument by seeking advice from two experts on matters of water and irrigation. The researchers used the split-half method to compute the reliability of the instrument. The researchers observed ethical consideration such as informed consent, and confidentiality. Data analysis was aided by SPSS computer software. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis generated frequencies, percentages, proportions, mean and standard deviation while inferential analysis generated Pearson’s correlation to show the association between the dependent and the independent variable. The study found that there was a significant moderate positive correlation between stakeholder participation in monitoring and evaluation and sustainability of water projects, where the Spearman's rho(r) = 0.496, p=0.010, CL=95%.The study recommends that the government and other development agencies should enhance stakeholder participation in project monitoring and evaluation for sustainability of water projects for faster realization of Kenya Vision 2030 goals. Further studies should be conducted to establish the moderating effect of project leadership on the relationship between stakeholder participation and sustainability of water projects in Kwanza Sub-County, Kenya

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How to Cite
Aupe, N., & Sagwa, D. E. (2020). Influence of Stakeholders in Project Monitoring and Evaluation on Sustainability of Water Projects in Kwanza Sub-County Kenya. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 5(1), 141-153. Retrieved from